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Anchor 2
Detachment M
A Kaiser's Machines Story

After a devastating defeat at Kut, the British Army’s advance in Mesopotamia against the Ottoman Empire has come to a standstill…


Detachment M is an alternate history military fiction story set during World War I in the deserts of Mesopotamia. Acting as supplemental content to The Kaiser’s Machines, follow the men of Detachment M as they undertake a clandestine operation in the Cradle of Civilization.

Anchor 1
A Designer With No Name
Prequel to The Kaiser's Machines

Europe burns as the Great War breaks out, spawning an age of new killing machines that will change the course of history…


Johann Kucinski, an aspiring Jewish artist that fled the pogroms in the east with his parents and little brother, lives in Munich. He hates his job and drinks more than he should in an attempt to fit in. But everything changes when Germany enters the war in Europe. 


After being rejected by the army, his brother and friends leave him behind to fight the war. Now, he has to find his own way of honoring his family, friends, and the country his family now calls home. But little does he know that his part in the war will come at a cost and will set Germany on a new course when the fighting was finished.

Anchor 2
The Kaiser's Machines
Book 1: Panzerwanderer

A glorious victory or a crushing defeat for the Central Powers hangs in the balance...


In this first installment, EA Baker provides readers with a fantastical yet palpable alternate history of the First World War. One where the Kaiser became a believer in a fleet of armored walkers and digging machines to render trenches useless, changing warfare forever.

Will the Kaiser’s costly dream bring deliverance to a nation on the brink of collapse? Find out from those who were there and saw it all.

Anchor 3
The Kaiser's Machines
Book 2: Sturmspinnen

Victory is far from certain as the Germans shift their focus to the north...


Amiens, vital to the Allies due to its converging railroads, is under siege by the German’s new machines. To draw away Allied units from Amiens, Ludendorff plans to launch another offensive near Ypres.

Will the Germans finally break the Allied armies with their armored walkers? 

Anchor 4
The Kaiser's Machines
Book 3: Eisenwürmer

Desperate for a victory on their terms, the Germans gather all their strength for a final offensive…

With the attack on the channel ports stalling, Ludendorff and Hindenburg look to the Crown Prince’s plan to sack Paris. Combining Major Bagger’s diversionary attack on Verdun, the symbol of French resistance, with a secret tunnel dug by the Eisenwürmer machine, the German High Command bets it all to bring the Allies to the negotiating table with the initiative firmly in their hands.


In the bloody conclusion to the Kaiser’s Machines, the ultimate question of supremacy, man or machine, is decided.

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